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The role of piriform cortex adenosine A1 receptors on hippocampal kindling.
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The role of piriform cortex adenosine A1 receptors on hippocampal kindling.
Can J Neurol Sci. 2008 May;35(2):226-31
Authors: Namvar S, Mirnajafi-Zadeh J, Fathollahi Y, Zeraati M
INTRODUCTION: The hippocampus and piriform cortex have a critical role in seizure propagation. In this study, the role of adenosine A1 receptors of piriform cortex on CA1 hippocampal kindled seizures was studied in rats. METHODS: Animals were implanted with a tripolar electrode in the right hippocampal CA1 region and two guide cannulae in the left and right piriform cortex. They were kindled by daily electrical stimulation of hippocampus. In fully kindled rats, N6- cyclohexyladenosine (CHA; a selective adenosine A1 receptors agonist) and 1,3-dimethyl-8-cyclopenthylxanthine (CPT a selective adenosine A1 receptor antagonist) were microinfused into the piriform cortex. The animals were stimulated at 5, 15 and 90 minutes (min) after drug injection. RESULTS: Obtained data showed that CHA (10 and 100 microM) reduced afterdischarge duration, stage 5 seizure duration, and total seizure duration at 5 and 15 min after drug injection. There was no significant change in latency to stage 4 seizure. CPT at concentration of 20 microM increased afterdischarge duration, stage 5 seizure duration, and total seizure duration and decreased latency to stage 4 seizure at 5 and 15 min post injection. Pretreatment of rats with CPT (10 microM), 5 min before CHA (100 microM), reduced the effect of CHA on seizure parameters. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that activity of adenosine A1 receptors in the piriform cortex has an anticonvulsant effect on kindled seizures resulting from electrical stimulation of the CA1 region of the hippocampus.
PMID: 18574939 [PubMed - in process]
Age- and region-dependent patterns of Ca(2+) accumulations following status epilepticus.
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Age- and region-dependent patterns of Ca(2+) accumulations following status epilepticus.
Int J Dev Neurosci. 2008 Jul 17;
Authors: Friedman LK, Saghyan A, Peinado A, Keesey R
Elevated Ca(2+) concentrations have been implicated in cell death mechanisms following seizures, however, the age and brain region of intracellular Ca(2+) accumulations [Ca(2+)](i), may influence whether or not they are toxic. Therefore, we examined regional accumulations of (45)Ca(2+) by autoradiography from rats of several developmental stages (P14, P21, P30 and P60) at 5, 14, and 24h after status epilepticus. To determine whether the uptake was intracellular, Ca(2+) was also assessed in hippocampal slices with the dye indicator, Fura 2 AM at P14. Control animals accumulated low homogeneous levels of (45)Ca(2+); however, highly specific and age-dependent patterns of (45)Ca(2+) uptake were observed at 5h. (45)Ca(2+) accumulations were predominant in dorsal hippocampal regions, CA1/CA2/CA3a, in P14 and P21 rats and in CA3a and CA3c neurons of P30 and P60 rats. Selective midline and amygdala nuclei were marked at P14 but not at P21 and limbic accumulations recurred with maturation that were extensive at P30 and even more so at P60. At 14h, P14 and P21 rats had no persistent accumulations whereas P30 and P60 rats showed persistent uptake patterns within selective amygdala, thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei, and other limbic cortical regions that continued to differ at these ages. For example, piriform cortex accumulation was highest at P60. Fura 2AM imaging at P14 confirmed that Ca(2+) rises were intracellular and occurred in both vulnerable and invulnerable regions of the hippocampus, such as CA2 pyramidal and dentate granule cells. Silver impregnation showed predominant CA1 injury at P20 and P30 but CA3 injury at P60 whereas little or no injury was found in extrahippocampal structures at P14 and P20 but was modest at P30 and maximal at P60. Thus, at young ages there was an apparent dissociation between high (45)Ca(2+) accumulations and neurotoxicity whereas in adults a closer relationship was observed, particularly in the extrahippocampal structures.
PMID: 18687397 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
GABAergic circuits control input-spike coupling in the piriform cortex.
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GABAergic circuits control input-spike coupling in the piriform cortex.
J Neurosci. 2008 Aug 27;28(35):8851-9
Authors: Luna VM, Schoppa NE
Odor coding in mammals is widely believed to involve synchronized gamma frequency (30-70 Hz) oscillations in the first processing structure, the olfactory bulb. How such inputs are read in downstream cortical structures however is not known. Here we used patch-clamp recordings in rat piriform cortex slices to examine cellular mechanisms that shape how the cortex integrates inputs from bulb mitral cells. Electrical stimulation of mitral cell axons in the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) resulted in excitation of pyramidal cells (PCs), which was followed approximately 10 ms later by inhibition that was highly reproducible between trials in its onset time. This inhibition was somatic in origin and appeared to be driven through a feedforward mechanism, wherein GABAergic interneurons were directly excited by mitral cell axons. The precise inhibition affected action potential firing in PCs in two distinct ways. First, by abruptly terminating PC excitation, it limited the PC response to each EPSP to exactly one, precisely timed action potential. In addition, inhibition limited the summation of EPSPs across time, such that PCs fired action potentials in strong preference for synchronized inputs arriving in a time window of <5 ms. Both mechanisms would help ensure that PCs respond faithfully and selectively to mitral cell inputs arriving as a synchronized gamma frequency pattern.
PMID: 18753387 [PubMed - in process]