Sunday, 25 March 2007

Cannabis, feeding, SR141716A

A comparison of the effects of the CB(1) receptor antagonist SR141716A, pre-feeding and changed palatability on the microstructure of ingestive behaviour.

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A comparison of the effects of the CB(1) receptor antagonist SR141716A, pre-feeding and changed palatability on the microstructure of ingestive behaviour.

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2007 Mar 20;

Authors: Thornton-Jones ZD, Kennett GA, Vickers SP, Clifton PG

RATIONALE: The cannabinoid CB(1) receptor inverse agonist SR141716A (rimonabant) is known to cause hypophagia and this study uses microstructural data to elucidate the relevant behavioural mechanisms. OBJECTIVES: The aim of these studies was to determine the behavioural changes induced by SR141716A in animals consuming either a fat or carbohydrate solution. These behavioural changes were directly compared with those induced by behavioural manipulations that modify motivational state and palatability. METHODS: Male hooded Lister rats drank a highly palatable fat emulsion (10% Intralipid) or a carbohydrate solution (10% sucrose) during 30-min test sessions. Microstructural analyses of licking patterns were made after either administration of SR141716A (0, 0.3, 1 and 3 mg/kg, ip) or one of the after behavioural manipulations: pre-feeding, addition of quinine to the fat solution or changes in sucrose concentration. RESULTS: Intake of the fat solution was decreased after both the drug treatment and the behavioural manipulations of pre-feeding and addition of quinine. Pre-feeding and SR141716A-induced reductions were mediated via changes in bout number whereas addition of quinine caused a decrease in bout size. Although sucrose drinking was also decreased by pre-feeding, reduced sucrose concentration and SR141716A, the drug did not significantly alter the microstructure of intake. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of SR141716A on consumption of Intralipid solutions are likely to reflect changes in motivational state rather than modified hedonic impact.

PMID: 17372721 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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