1: Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2007 Mar 31; [Epub ahead of print] Functional biology of the alpha(2)delta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels. * Davies A, * Hendrich J, * Van Minh AT, * Wratten J, * Douglas L, * Dolphin AC. Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Department of Pharmacology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK. In this review, we examine what is known about the mechanism of action of the auxiliary alpha(2)delta subunits of voltage-gated Ca(2+) (Ca(v)) channels. First, to provide some background on the alpha(2)delta proteins, we discuss the genes encoding these channels, in addition to the topology and predicted structure of the alpha(2)delta subunits. We then describe the effects of alpha(2)delta subunits on the biophysical properties of Ca(v) channels and their physiological function. All alpha(2)delta subunits increase the density at the plasma membrane of Ca(2+) channels activated by high voltage, and we discuss what is known about the mechanism underlying this trafficking. Finally, we consider the link between alpha(2)delta subunits and disease, both in terms of spontaneous and engineered mouse mutants that show cerebellar ataxia and spike-wave epilepsy, and in terms of neuropathic pain and the mechanism of action of the gabapentinoid drugs - small-molecule ligands of the alpha(2)delta-1 and alpha(2)delta-2 subunits. PMID: 17403543 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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