Thursday, 26 April 2007

WM and arithmetic

The role of working memory in the carry operation of mental arithmetic: Number and value of the carry.

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The role of working memory in the carry operation of mental arithmetic: Number and value of the carry.

Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester). 2007 May;60(5):708-31

Authors: Imbo I, Vandierendonck A, De Rammelaere S

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the role of phonological and executive working-memory components in the carry operation in mental arithmetic. We manipulated the number of carry operations, as previous research had done, but also the value that had to be carried. Results of these experiments show that in addition to the number of carry operations, the value of the carry is also an important variable determining the difficulty of arithmetical sums. Furthermore, both variables (number and value) interacted with each other in such a way that the combination of multiple carries and values of carries larger than one resulted in more difficult problems irrespective of the presence of a working-memory load. The findings with respect to working-memory load suggest that mainly the central executive is important in handling the number of carry operations as well as the value that has to be carried. The implications of the present findings for our views on mental arithmetic and its reliance on working memory are discussed.

PMID: 17455078 [PubMed - in process]

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